Letter from Mrs Aitcheson – 17th February 2023

As we come to the end of a busy half term I wanted to share with you the outcome of our recent Challenge Partners Review.

Challenge Partners is an education charity, led by practitioners, through which schools collaborate to improve each other and the education system as a whole, for the benefit of all children. Challenge Partners works with schools across the country and focus on school improvement, leadership development, and knowledge exchange.

Between 23rd and 25th January we had a Challenge Partners review.  They reviewed lessons, spoke to staff and students, and met with senior leaders. I am pleased to report that their findings were fantastic!

Below are some extracts from the report.

‘Relationships are highly positive. Mutual respect between students and their teachers is a key feature in all classrooms. This results from the climate for learning teachers create, based on the culture and ethos linked to the school values. In addition, the introduction of the behaviour ladder system and its consistent application makes learning fun because students are praised far more frequently, which they really appreciate’.

‘The sixth form is a major strength of the school. Led by a dynamic leader, numbers are increasing and there are ambitious plans in place for further growth. The ALPS 4 grade achieved is testimony to the high-quality teaching and learning post-16 students receive, many of whom gain places at Russell Group universities’.

‘Communication has been a key factor in streamlining systems and practices in the school so that the consistency in expectations is becoming embedded. Students are also fully buying-in to these methods so that they have become norms for their contribution to their own learning. This is a work in progress as different areas in the school are reviewed and evaluated and some success is already evident’.

‘Work on self-regulation has helped students to create better attitudes to learning and behaviour. Expectations have risen and students’ responses have led to a more purposeful learning environment. They have a clearer understanding of what they need to do to increase their progress, and students’ trust of staff has improved exponentially. Facilities, including the new build, have improved over time which has contributed significantly to students’ view of their school. They speak affectionately about their experience at Countesthorpe’.

We are delighted with the findings from the Challenge Partners report and how it recognises our commitment to ongoing improvement across our school and the rapid progress we have made.

In other exciting news, we have lots of positive student led stories to share with you and these will be celebrated in the next edition of our Academy Magazine; keep an eye out for this on our social media channels.

Arbor Parent App

By now you should have received a text message and/or email with details about our new Parent App “Arbor”.  The new app provides parents with a platform for accessing up to date information about their children including attendance, behaviour and rewards information, exam timetables, an in-app messaging system and the ability for parents to update their contact information and child’s details.

We are really excited by the opportunities that Arbor brings and have plans to add more features to the app over the coming months.

To learn more about the Arbor app and how to get started with it please visit https://www.clcc.college/arbor-app/


In preparation for the return to school after the half term break I feel it is timely to remind parents about our basic expectations in relation to:

  1. Uniform – a full guide to our uniform policy can be found here (https://www.clcc.college/uniform-information/) but I would like to highlight to following
    1. Blazers are a compulsory part of our uniform for Years 7, 8, 9 and 10. Students must arrive at school wearing their blazers.
    2. All Students should have a bag which is suitable for school. Each student will be expected to carry an appropriate bag for school which can hold books and equipment. No small handbag or backpack type bags. This should be able to hold at minimum an A4 folder / workbook.
  2. Jewellery - Studded earrings only and a watch. A clear retainer can be worn in nose piercings no other piercings are allowed. Earlobe stretchers and bars are NOT permitted. Religious jewellery can be worn but must be under clothing.
  3. Nails - No false nails/nail extensions. Nails should be short for health and safety. False glued on eye lashes are not permitted. Eyelashes should be a natural length and thickness.
  4. Punctuality to school - Having a positive start to the day is vital. School starts at 8:45am. We close the gates at 8:42am. Please ensure your child arrives at school between 8:30am and 8:42am.

We appreciate your continued support with our basic expectations.

Finally, I would like to thank parents for their support and trust in our school. It truly is a privilege to be the headteacher of such a fantastic academy, with motivated students, determined teachers and engaged parents. This partnership is fundamental to our success and key to ensuring our students “be the best they can be”.

Wishing you all a relaxing half term break.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs C Aitcheson

This page was last updated: 17th February 2023