End of Term Letter from Mrs Aitcheson – 11th July 2023

As this academic year draws to a close, we have much to celebrate! Our students this year really have been the ‘best they can be’ in every way possible. The last few weeks have seen some fantastic events celebrating our students’ success. The Performance Showcase, Year 11 and 13 Awards Evenings and Proms, transition days for new Year 7 and 12 students, and our House Winners Celebration Day are just a few examples of the amazing successes at Countesthorpe Academy.

Our core values of Respect, Resilience and Success sit at the heart of all that we do, and our students have shown this in abundance throughout the year. We are particularly proud of the work our students have done in the local community and the work of our Stephen Lawrence Ambassadors. The efforts we have put in supporting Ukrainian refugees is something we are also particularly proud of, and we will continue to work closely with our local community next year.

Staffing changes

We will be saying farewell to a number of staff at the end of this academic year. I would like to say a huge thank you for the commitment and hard work from all these members of staff during their time with us and wish them every success on the next stage of their careers.

  • Mr M Page – Teacher of History
  • Ms S Busson – Teacher of English
  • Mrs L Verwaerde – Teacher of English
  • Miss R Poxon – English Tutor and Cover Supervisor
  • Miss Ablitt – Teacher of Design & Art
  • Ms R Fullthorpe – Teacher of History
  • Mrs J Voss – English Tutor
  • Miss J Sutton – Intervention Tutor
  • Mrs K Beacher-Sharp – Teacher of Maths
  • Mrs C Duffy – Pastoral Administration
  • Mrs N Barker – Learning Support Assistant

I am also pleased to welcome several new teachers who will start with us in August.

  • Mrs R Bryning – Teacher of English
  • Mr S Atherton – Teacher of History
  • Mr N Ford – Teacher of English
  • Mr P Chapman – Teacher of Design Technology and Art
  • Mr B Wilkins – Teacher of History

Please find below some important information about the coming months as we prepare for the start of the next academic year.

End of term arrangements

A reminder that the Summer term 2023 will finish for students at 12:15pm on Thursday 13th July 2023. School buses have been arranged and will depart by 12:30pm.

Start of term arrangements

  • Tuesday 29th August - Years 7, 11 and 13 in school
  • Wednesday 30th August - All year groups in school except for Year 12
  • Thursday 31st August - All year groups in school including Year 12

Save the Date:

  • A Level Results Day - Thursday 17th August 2023
  • GCSE Results Day - Thursday 24th August 2023
  • Year 7 Parents Welcome Meeting - Wednesday 6th September 2023
  • Power to Perform Evening (Parents) – Wednesday 6th September 2023
  • Open Evening – Thursday 21st September 2023
  • Sixth Form Open Evening - Thursday 2nd November 2023

Further communication regarding events next term will be sent out nearer the time.

Changes for next year

From September 2023 we are making some changes to allow for more time to be spent on building student agency.

Over the last 2 years Countesthorpe Academy, along with other schools in the LiFE Multi-Academy Trust, have piloted and implemented the REAL LiFE Curriculum.  REAL LiFE is designed to help students become more independent and pro-active learners who can positively influence the world around them.  One of the main features of this curriculum model is CREW which stands for Coaching, Reflection, Enrichment and Well-being.  CREW allows our students to set their own personalised learning goals and gives them time within the school day to work towards these.  Our teachers (CREW Leaders) oversee this process and coach the students to reflect and refine their work in order to improve.

Due to the success of CREW over the last 2 years we have decided to extend it to all year groups allowing every student to benefit from this transformational programme. Fundamentally, our traditional morning registration period is being replaced by a 45-minute CREW session, in which all students access a programme of coaching, take time to reflect on their curriculum work, participate in enrichment projects and get involved in wellbeing activities.

  • In September our students in Years 7 & 8 as well as our original pioneer CREW, 9JHA, will continue to follow the full Real LiFE Curriculum model of personalised goal setting
  • Students in Year 9, Year 10 and 11 will have CREW time and their normal subject lessons
  • Our Sixth form students will have their own implementation of CREW called PREP (Professional Reflection and Enrichment Programme) which has been carefully constructed to focus on study skills, enrichment and their future education and career pathways. This is in addition to their usual subject lessons.

Students will continue to start and finish at the same times, follow their 5 periods of lessons per day, and have the same lunch breaks. A separate letter will be sent soon with more details.

The staff and I are all really excited about the opportunities that CREW time brings and are looking forward to working with our students to develop learning skills that really will enable them to “be the best they can be”.

Finally, on behalf of all the staff at Countesthorpe Academy, I would like to say a huge thank you for your continued support and help this year. I hope you all have a well-earned and restful summer break.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs C. Aitcheson


This page was last updated: 11th July 2023