Wombles Visit Countesthorpe Academy

⭐A few weeks ago Year 7 had a special Personal Development session, focusing on our British Values: personal responsibility and community action.

🚮We were delighted to host the Wombles in Litter Education, who came to talk to them about litter.

The students were really engaged with the statistics they learned about the amount of litter dropped in the local area, the lifespan of various household objects, such as trainers, can, packets and plastic bags, and the way that wildlife can be injured by discarded packaging.

A large number of Y7 volunteers signed up to take part in a school litter pick over the next few weeks. Our thanks to the Wombles for giving up their time to educate the next generation on the importance of recycling and responsible rubbish disposal.🌍

This page was last updated: 16th May 2024