Year 9 France-Belgium: Thursday

This morning we visited Hill 62 Museum and explored the trenches at Sanctuary Wood. Having studied World War One in history, it was fascinating for our students to see what the trenches were really like. We then went to Tyne Cot, a British and Commonwealth War Cemetery where we laid a wreath in remembrance and looked up where some of our ancestors were buried. After, we paid our respects at Langemark, a German war cemetery, before spending the afternoon reflecting on our thoughts and experiences with some creative writing. This evening, our students took part in the Last Post Ceremony at the Menin Gate which we all found incredibly moving. Our students showed fantastic respect and were a real credit to CLCC. 

We will be setting off in the morning on our return journey and will update here with our expected arrival time during the afternoon. 

This page was last updated: 13th October 2016