Letter to Parents – December 2017

Dear parent/carer,

As the Autumn term draws to a close I would like to thank you for all your support this term and share with you some important updates.

We are now well into our second year as CLCC and since the merger in September 2016, we have made some really good progress.  Merging two schools across two sites has presented some challenges but we are continuing to work hard on ensuring we have in place the right support structures to guarantee the best outcomes for our students.  All the staff here are firmly committed to ensuring students are given the best possible opportunities.

We have already made huge strides towards making some positive changes so that students can maximize their potential which include:-

  • Introduction of a House system
  • New leadership opportunities for students (e.g. House Captains, Head Boy, Head Girl)
  • Contribution to Charity events (Children in Need, Food Bank donations)
  • New rewards programme
  • Use of Apps to support learning (PiXL and MyEd)
  • Refinement of the Behaviour Policy
  • Moving Year 11 and Year 13 mock examinations to November to give us additional time for feedback an intervention packages for students.

I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate some important basic expectations so we can start in January 2018 with a clear understanding of what we expect in order to ensure your child can succeed.

  1. Punctuality – it is vital your child arrives at College on time. College starts at 08.30.  From January 2018, the main gates will close at 08.25.  Students arriving after this time will not get to their classroom in time for the start of the college day and will be deemed to be late.
  2. Uniform - we have a very clear uniform policy and all students are expected to adhere to it.  Please ensure your child is in the correct uniform at all time.  The following are NOT allowed:-
  • Facial piercings. We allow one pair of ear studs.
  • Leggings
  • Coloured nails
  • Coloured hair
  • Jumpers/hooded tops. The only jumpers to be worn by students are our College jumpers.
  1. Mobile Phones – Phones and earphones are NOT allowed inside the building. Please encourage your child to keep their phones and digital devices at home.  They do not need them during the college day.
  2. Aerosols – these are banned from the College.
  3. Energy Drinks – these are also banned. These are proven to have a negative impact on behaviour and have high levels of caffeine which is not healthy.

Failing to follow these basic rules leads to unnecessary conflict and detracts from the main focus of the role of a teacher.  Please ensure you support us in ensuring your child meets these expectations.

We know there is still work to be done to ensure we are excellent in all that we do.  Improving attitudes to learning and ensuring all students respond positively in lessons in the key focus for next term.

At the start of next term I will be writing to you to explain the expectations students will need to follow in every lesson.  We will be referring to these as our ‘non-negotiables.’  The aim of introducing these into every lesson is to improve standards across the College.  It will also ensure students are able to focus and concentrate in lessons and that no student will prevent others from learning.  We have already introduced the use of consistent strategies and language to gain the focus and attention of pupils so as to ensure a positive learning climate.

To ensure you are kept regularly up to date on progress we are making, from January 2018, there will be a fortnightly newsletter to all parents which will inform you of events, messages and successes so you have a good understanding of the work staff and students are doing.

I would like to wish you all an enjoyable Christmas break and look forward to writing to you in the Spring term.

Yours sincerely

Mrs C. Aitcheson

Acting Principal

This page was last updated: 19th December 2017