⭐⭐HIVE Induction Day 2!!⭐⭐

What a fantastic conclusion to our two-day Induction at Hive Sixth Form! Students have had an incredible experience, gaining valuable insights from Loughborough University on how to maximize their time in Sixth Form. They also enjoyed engaging with their PREP leaders, savoring the delicious food at Hive Fuel, and getting a taste of their upcoming courses.

As we prepare for the new academic year, all new students are required to complete the transition materials for their courses by September 30th. These materials can be accessed on our website: Year 11 into Year 12 Transition | Countesthorpe Academy.

On results day, students will receive a link to our online enrolment program, where they can review their course choices and secure their place. These links will be sent to students' personal email addresses and through PS16 on or just before results day. Please keep an eye on social media, PS16, and your emails for further updates.

This page was last updated: 26th June 2024