Autumn Term 2023 – Letter to Parents

Dear Parents/Carers,

As we approach the run up to Christmas, I wanted to share with you some of the developments at Countesthorpe Academy over the past few weeks.

I’d like to start by thanking you for all your support in helping us to ensure the successful roll out of 1:1 devices. All students in Years 7-11 now have their own device to help to support their learning. This is one of the biggest initiatives we have embarked on in the last few years and it is delightful to see the positive impact this is already having on our students.

We are already working to ensure students can maximise the potential of these devices to enhance their learning in school and at home. We have shared with students the importance of looking after these devices and would ask for your support in ensuring that:

  1. Your child brings their device to school every day.
  2. Their device is fully charged.
  3. Their device is looked after and cared for and remains free from any graffiti.

If you have any questions about the use of devices, then please contact your child’s CREW leader in the first instance.

Over the next few months, we will be rolling out devices to the 6th Form. Once completed this will mean that every student at Countesthorpe Academy has their own device that can be used to support and enhance their learning.

We have also spent some time over the last few weeks reminding students about ‘being the best they can be’.  We have a series of recognition events including nudge vouchers, cookie vouchers and planned recognition visits that students have the chance to take part in. To receive an invitation to the end of term events, students must earn more value points than behaviour points between 9th November and 29th November. These initiatives have been shared with students so they can focus on ensuring they meet the criteria to be invited.

We want to recognise all our students who are embracing our core values of Respect, Resilience and Success and with this in mind, the reminder of this term we are focusing on:

  1. Settling quickly into lessons.
  2. Calm conduct in and around the Academy
  3. Being on time to school and to lessons
  4. Correct uniform

Students have been reminded about our expectations and subsequent consequences where our expectations are not met. We would ask for your support in reinforcing these key messages at home.

Upcoming events for your diary

  • Performance Faculty Showcase - 4th and 5th December 2023
  • PPE results day for Year 11 and Year 13- 6th December 2023
  • Year 7&8 Real Life Showcase- 14th December 2023

Thank you for your continued support. We will be sharing the Christmas edition of our Academy Magazine before the end of term so you can see the fantastic events our students have been involved in this year.

Best wishes,

Mrs C. Aitcheson


This page was last updated: 17th November 2023