Blaby District Council Community Awards 2022

Our incredible Year 9 student, Maya, was nominated by Mrs Miller for the Young Volunteer Of The Year award, and came 2nd, resulting in her winning £50 and the opportunity to nominate a charity of her choice to receive £500! 🏆


Maya has been a Student House Leader for 2 years, as well as a Stephen Lawrence Ambassador. Her contribution during meetings and her willingness to support is amazing. This was particularly highlighted during our Ukraine charity appeal, in which she helped most evenings to sort and organise the donations.

Maya is also an ambassador for positive body image, using her social media platform, with the support of her mum, to inspire and boost the confidence of teenagers and help them embrace their body image. Together, they have written and published a children’s book which is a fun way to educate children to accept differences in appearance.


She certainly has a mind to be kind and is inspirational asset to Countesthorpe Academy.

This page was last updated: 31st January 2023