Christmas Lunch and Jumper Day 2022 🎄

Christmas Lunch and Jumper Day is on Thursday 8th December 2022! 🎄🎅


If you haven't already booked a place for Christmas Lunch, you can do so via ParentPay - a full menu can be viewed below.  ⏰ The deadline for payments is Tuesday 6th December ⏰

⚠ There will be no other catering options during lunch, so if you haven't booked a ticket please bring a packed lunch. Break time service will be as normal.

Free School Meal students will be automatically added to the Christmas Lunch list, unless we are informed otherwise. If they would rather have something else they will need to pick it up at break time from our normal outlets.


To further enhance the festivities, Thursday 8th will also be our Christmas Jumper Day! 🎄

Apart from your Christmas or Festive themed jumper, normal school uniform should be worn including lanyards. Please no festive themed hair colouring or nail art.




This page was last updated: 18th November 2022