Countesthorpe Academy Supports Operation Sceptre

We are proud to support the Leicestershire Police who attended school today to educate our students about #OperationSceptre.

Operation Sceptre is a national campaign to help educate and raise awareness of knife crime and the life altering effects it can have.

To help our students learn more about this excellent initiative, Police brought in their metal detectors and demonstrated the types of activities they would undertake in busy places such as football grounds, train stations and airports to find dangerous criminals.

Our Year 10 students took part in a practice exercise in which they passed through an airport style metal detector and were checked over with wands. Even some of our students had a try, checking the Police Officers and even their teachers!

We all found this morning to be a great experience and helped us to better understand the challenging job our Police force have in keeping us safe.

Thank you to all the officers involved, to all the students who took part, and to our staff for being good sports!

This page was last updated: 17th November 2022