De Montfort University Library Explorers

On Friday 15th December, 40 A-level EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) students went to the De Montfort University Library for the day.  They were able to use the resources to research the subject that they have chosen for their individual projects.  The students had a lecture on research skills and found the entire experience useful.  Not only did this help with their studies, but it also gave the students a taste of university life.

We were proud to receive the following message from DMU on our return “I hope the students enjoyed their day in the Library and were able to find some resources for their projects. They were a very pleasant and engaged group and were a credit to your College. I would be more than happy to work with your students again in future.”

Well done to those students that attended.

What is EPQ?

The EPQ is an A-level subject that involves an independent 5000 word project, which is carried out over a year and offers students a free project choice.  This allows students to explore an aspect of a subject they are studying, a topic in which they have a personal interest or an area that fits in with career aspirations.  The course also gives the opportunity to reflect on progress and deliver an assessed presentation on their project journey.  The dissertation type nature of the course helps prepare students for university studies.

This page was last updated: 20th December 2017