End of Autumn Term 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,

As this term draws to a close, I want to thank you for your continued support and congratulate our students on their fantastic work and the positive contributions they have made to our Academy.

We have embarked on some new and exciting initiatives this term. The introduction of CREW in Years 7-11 and PREP in  6th Form has been a significant change for us, and as a result we are seeing a plethora amazing work from our students. The purpose of the CREW and PREP programmes is for students to develop student agency; to equip them with skills for the future and provide them the opportunity to research and investigate topics they are interested in. Even though we are just one term into this, we can already see the hugely positive effect this is having on the way our students work.

The issuing of 1:1 devices for all our students in Year 7-11 has been met with absolute positivity. Our students love the increased ability this gives them to be independent and maximize their learning opportunities.  The roll out to the Sixth Form is planned for the Spring Term which is another exciting initiative to look forward to.

Over the course of the term we have had some great Charity events, such as our Ukrainian Christmas Party, a Coat Bank, a Macmillan Coffee Morning, as well as an afternoon of Charity events. If you have not already done so I would urge you to read our Academy Magazine ( https://shorturl.at/wxAF2) which is packed full of great stories that highlight the hard work of all our students.

As we look forward to 2024 and the start of the Spring Term can I please ask for your continued support with the following:

  1. Uniform - We continue to challenge students who are not meeting our expectations regarding uniform. We really appreciate your support with this in particular with regards to
  • Ensuring skirts are worn correctly and are not rolled over on the waistband. Skirts MUST be box pleated. Skater skirts are not accepted as part of our uniform.
  • Ties - Students should arrive at school with their ties on. They should not be in pockets or bags.
  • Blazers- These are a compulsory part of our uniform so please make sure your child has theirs on every day.
  • Piercings -  facial piercings are not permitted.
  • Nails - No false nails/nail extensions. Nails should be short for health and safety reasons.
  • Failure to comply with our uniform expectations will result in your child being sent home.
  1. Punctuality - A reminder that the main gate closes at 8:42am in preparation for a prompt start to the day.
  2. 1:1 Devices - Please support your child in ensuring their devices are charged for the start of each day. This is really important as without a charged device accessing our learning resources becomes a real challenge.
  3. Start of Spring Term – We return to school on Monday 8th January 2024 which is Week A. Students should report to CREW/PREP time on that day.

Finally, on behalf of all the staff at Countesthorpe Academy, we wish you all a peaceful Christmas and New Year and hope you have an enjoyable festive period with your family and friends.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs C. Aitcheson


This page was last updated: 22nd December 2023