July Year 6 Induction – Parents give us a 4.75 Star Rating

Year 6 made a great impression on us on their Induction Day and we are really looking forward to working with students and parents from the beginning of next academic year.

Parent and student surveys taken on the day were really positive. We were really pleased to see that over 200 students surveyed felt that they had had the best possible start to their time at the College.

It is good to know that parents were happy with the information sent out and found the Parents’ Evening helpful. It was lovely to talk to so many parents on the night and hear how their child had been apprehensive about the move to secondary school but had gone home “buzzing” and “really excited for next year”.

As always, we are looking to improve and we did receive some feedback which will help us with the process for next year, so thank you for taking the time to let us have your thoughts.

One area of Induction which met with universal approval was the use of our ASK (Approachable, Sensible, Kind) Reps and Sixth Form Ambassadors, who were around all day on Induction to support and guide the new students we welcomed into the Countesthorpe Leysland family. As always, our students did us proud, and as a thank you to them, we had celebration with certificates presented by the Principal.

We look forward to seeing you next year and don’t forget your homework – it will let us get to know you a bit better, so we can help you “be the best you can be!".

This page was last updated: 11th September 2017