Nottingham Trent University Visit HIVE

⭐Hive Sixth Form Year 12 students welcomed Nottingham Trent University into PREP yesterday morning to help launch the 2025 UCAS cycle.🎓

🏛Students listened to an explanation of how the whole cycle will take place with a mention of the forthcoming UCAS fair on 3rd July that we will be attending. Please check out Parent Pay for details of this visit.🚀

🎓NTU kindly sent over the PPT slides for students to refer back to (see link below).

Yr12 students were fantastic as usual as they contemplated those important next step decisions.🏛

Thank you to Becci from NTU for taking the time to visit today.⭐

The UCAS Process NTU

This page was last updated: 16th May 2024