Real Business Challenge 2017

The Real Business Challenge is powered by Coca Cola and gives young people an opportunity to experience some of what happens in business in the real world. We are a group of Year 9 students from Countesthorpe Leysland Community College who took part in the competition this year…

During the first term this year we worked with Mrs Challinor to enter the Coca Cola Real Challenge and develop a soft drink.  We had lots of ideas and conducted some market research in our form classes and eventually settled on a fruit drink that we called Frusion.

After a few weeks of work and submitting our final PowerPoint, we found out that we had got through to the regional final of the challenge. Mrs Challinor was literally jumping for joy!  On the 7th February, we set off for the competition in Derby at the iPro stadium.

We were competing against 9 other schools. The challenge everyone was set was to produce a fundraising initiative along with a bus stop poster and radio ad to promote “The Special Olympics”, a charity helping people of all needs and abilities get involved in sport.  We were helped by a Coca Cola manager called Kerry who helped us manage our time and gave us feedback on our ideas.

We had deadlines set and a variety of different tasks to complete within the time allowed including writing, recording, and editing our radio advert. Finally, at the end of the day, after preparing our final presentation (right up to the last second!) we had to present our ideas…on the stage…with a microphone…to all the schools and a panel of judges!

The presentation went well and we are pleased to say that we came back with the prize for best radio advert! After a lot of hard work and effort, we were all ecstatic that we got this opportunity and won our trophy.

Written by Freya

Edited by Lydia

Listen to the winning radio advert below


This page was last updated: 22nd February 2017