Wear Something Spotty!

On Friday 18th November, our students and staff will be supporting Children in Need!

🟣🔴 To help raise money for this excellent charity we are inviting students to wear something spotty with their normal school uniform 🔵🟢

We are asking students to swap one item of their school uniform for something spotty. They could swap their school tie for a spotty tie, their school jumper for a spotty jumper, maybe even their shirt for a spotty shirt! Just remember to wear your school ID badge and lanyard, and also please, no amazing hair colourings or tracksuits.

To take part in this great fundraising event we are asking that students donate £1 via ParentPay - http://bit.ly/3UIzprj

Let’s see how creative you can all be while raising money for this worthy cause!


This page was last updated: 17th November 2022