Year 7 Girls Football 🏆

On Monday 15th May, our Year 7 Girls Football team played in the County Cup Final against South Charnwood ⚽


Beforehand, the girls had a team lunch with Mrs Rose and got mentally prepared for the game ahead. They made their way to Aylestone Park, where they participated in a warmup led by Evie. With a quick team talk from Mrs Rose, the girls were ready to play!

They walked out as a team with the match officials led by Lola, the team captain. Photos were taken, hands were shaken and the game began.


The girls put the pressure on straight away with Hattie slotting a goal in from an assist from Lillie. South Charnwood played well, but the girls were able to hold them and were strong with Roxie holding the defense together. Shay and Hattie, in the middle, played some fantastic football, playing the ball out wide to Lola and Olivia.

Before the second half Lola was able to put another goal past the goalkeeper!


With a 2-0 lead into half time, Mrs Rose gave the girls a team talk, and of course provided sweets. With a few changes, the girls were back on the pitch. Amie and Erin put the pressure on from both wings, allowing Lola to score the third goal!


The team played some fantastic football, and the support were amazed by the quality and skill that was on show. With the final whistle being blown, the girls were crowned County Cup Champions! 🏆


The girls were rewarded with a team breakfast with Mrs Rose and Mrs Aitcheson this week to celebrate their success, and a reward trip is being planned by Mrs Rose for next term, which will allow the team to experience the life of a professional footballer.



This page was last updated: 19th May 2023