YouHQ – Well-being Platform

We continue to develop ways to support the personal development of our students and are trialing the use of a wellbeing and personal development desktop and mobile application called ‘youHQ’ (website

It is more important than ever to support a young persons’ well-being as statistics show that one in six young people aged 6-16 sought mental health support in 2021, up from one in nine young people in 2017. This increases to one in four females aged 17-19.

youHQ enables us to:

  • monitor wellbeing effectively
  • provide online therapy and support for students
  • use goal setting and the online resources to help improve mental health and self-esteem

The online platform is designed to use values-based goal setting to help with focus, motivation, and confidence but also to help students think carefully about mindfulness, resilience, physical, mental and social health and how to set and break down meaningful goals in order to be successful in different aspects of life.

The programme will be launched with students across the academy, including Sixth Form, in assemblies week commencing 9th January. Students will receive their log in details via email and will be set an initial ‘log in’ homework through satchel one. Tutors and heads of years will monitor the use of the app and students can report any questions or queries to these key adults through the app or via email.

The use of youHQ is optional for all students but we feel it is important to raise awareness and provide a tool for students to use if they wish.

If you have any further questions or queries regarding youHQ or the wellbeing of your child please contact the school and we will be happy to help.

This page was last updated: 13th January 2023