Category Archives: Academy News

House and Vice House Captains

Key Stage 3 & 4 Students - do you have what it takes to be Captain of your house? Could you help your house by being a Vice-Captain? If so then read on! (more…)
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Uniform Reminder

Our school uniform is an integral part of our pride in ourselves as a College and we expect all students to be in correct uniform. Students who are not correctly dressed may be sent home and so we would very much appreciate your support in ensuring that your child is sent to school correctly dressed…
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Uniform Update

We are aware some parents may have experienced problems when purchasing our school uniform. (more…)
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Film Club

It is universally accepted that encouraging children to read books both for enjoyment and for critical understanding has huge educational benefits. The same is true for films; perhaps even more so, given there are so many different elements in addition to the language and narrative structure that are involved. (more…)
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