Category Archives: Academy News

Year 11 Leavers!

Today marks the last day of school for our Year 11 students before they have their Exam Preparation Programme. This means they attend for scheduled exams, Hot Tips, Walking Talking Mocks and revision sessions.   Our fantastic Year 11 students had their last lesson with us today, followed by tutor time in which tutors handed…
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Student Linesman ⚽

Tyler, a Year 9 student who joined the Academy this May, assisted the Year 6 Rice Bowl Final at Holmes Park between Blaby Stokes and Glen Hills on Tuesday 23rd May. He showed true respect and resilience, showcasing his great leadership skills. What a great achievement, well done Tyler! 🏆
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Environment Society Fundraising 🌱

Our Student Environment Society recently ran a House Competition which involved redesigning and optimising an area of outdoor space at the Academy. In order to purchase the plants and resources required to fulfil the winning ideas, the Environment Society are fundraising on 📅 Friday 26th May!   Students are invited to wear shoes of their…
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Mental Health Week Activities

Looking after our mental health and supporting others has been our focus this week. Our Year 11 and Year 13 students have begun their external written exams and have shown great determination and resilience during this challenging time.   What's been happening this week? 👇 🔵 Assemblies have raised the profile and encouraged understanding of…
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