Category Archives: Academy News

Year 11 Leavers Hoodie and Prom

If you haven't already ordered your Year 11 Leavers Hoodie, you can do so via - our School Unique ID is: 25231YR11 ⭐ ⏰ The deadline for payments is Friday 3rd March ⏰ Pupil Premium students can order their hoodie via ParentPay.   👉 Tickets for the Year 11 Prom, which is taking place…
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Film Club Fridays

Every Friday lunchtime our film club meet in our Media room cinema to explore a new film. With a range of exciting and entertaining films on show, our film club have an amazing time enjoying “the big screen” during their lunch breaks. If you would like to watch a film visit Room14 at 12:30pm or…
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National Football Week

We are proud to be a supporter of sports in schools, offering a rich and varied core PE programme, super GCSE and A-Levels Sports Study options, and a diverse range of successful extra curricular sporting activities. This week we celebrate National Football Week with a range of activities during lessons, break and lunchtimes. It's going…
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Year 13 World Beliefs Presentations

Every year, our Year 13 students research, design and present a Citizenship Project in front of a panel of senior staff, as part of the Personal Development Programme.   The panel members judge their presentations in terms of research, design, creativity and presentation skills. This year we had an RE focus, with Word Beliefs as…
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